
The following list of websites relates to television production, electronic media; corporate meetings and events. The list will be updated on a regular basis; check back with us to see what is new! We're always looking for items of interest to the industry; we welcome your input.

National Association of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS)

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)

Meetings and Events
Meeting Professionals International

Specialized Services

Omnis affordable website hosting

Industry Resources and Trade Publications
Television Technology

Websites That Suck (years old but full of good ideas!)



Internet 2

Music Related Websites
Associated Production Music

Art and Artists
Some of our Favorite Links
Tote Bags -

Shower Curtains -

Tshirts -
"The results you achieved with the program were outstanding. The video previewed at our Horizons Press Briefing to rave reviews. Everyone talked about the excellence of the show... We look forward to working with you to gain worldwide exposure for the program."
Motorola Inc. Semiconductor Products Sector

Marketing Services
In our view, there is one reason to pull all of the effort and expense in marketing: to increase sales and build business. In addition to developing and producing award-winning media, we are driven to achieve results for clients. These results are measured in increased sales and awareness of our client's products and services.

Internet Marketing
Unlike other advertising i.e., Yellow Pages, Newspaper, Magazine, Radio, T.V. etc…
The actual number or website visitors can be managed and monitored (through traffic reporting). This gives you the ability to accurately measure the response to your marketing efforts. Your website should be thought of as a living, breathing entity, one which changes as you and your business or profession changes. Click Here for More.

Electronic Newsletters (eNewsletters, eAnnouncements, eSurveys and eVites)
Sharing experiences and knowledge with your industry peers and customers is one of the best ways to build credibility and can position you as an "expert", and/or "leader" in your field. eNewsletters, eAnnouncements, eSurveys and eVites can help to track results, communicate quickly and build relationships. By reaching out to your email list, MPI can help to drive traffic to your website.
Click Here for More.

Strategic Planning
We help to define what your goals and objectives are and how to achieve them by developing a plan of action. When implemented, the action plans help clients to reach the defined goals and objectives. Click Here for More.

Print Advertising
In this age of electronic and digital media, traditional forms of media cannot be overlooked in an overall marketing plan. MPI identifies and recommends print outlets that will reach the target audience in the largest numbers, for the best cost to the client. Click Here for More.

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Web Development
Creating a website for the first time can be a daunting process. In the event that you are in this situation, be assured that MPI excels at "hand-holding" a client through the new jargon and "techno talk". Our approach to every step of the process is to be as thorough as possible in order to make every detail easily understood. We encourage questions upon questions and make every effort to insure that you are comfortable and knowledgeable about the process.

Above all, MPI understands that your website needs to be "Search Engine friendly". Each of the services listed below reinforces this "friendliness" goal. In our view, a website without traffic is meaningless.

By making your website easy to find, easy to navigate and interesting to visit, you will be building your presence on the web as a quality content provider. Click Here for More.

Architectural Navigation
Navigation refers to the links that are created within your website as well as links that access links outside of your website. Prior to programming, a navigation chart is developed. In its final form, the navigation chart offers a blueprint for the entire website, and shows you what pages are linked internally as well as externally. Based on the architectural navigation (and the design), programming is next. The goal is to offer the site visitor an easy to understand interface.
Architectural Navigation includes:
- Development of a flow chart which identifies all internal and external links within your website.
- Consideration of Search Engines' crawling through text links.
- User interface for ease of use; possible use of pull-down menus and other interactive programming.

URL Registration and Re-directs
Universal Resource Locator, or (URL) is the name of your website i.e., URL is also synonymous with "Domain Name". In addition to your main URL, clients often will register other URL's that are set-up to "re-direct" to their main domain name. Click Here for More.

Design Services
The design of your website should support the "Branding" of the Company. The overall "look" and visual presentation of your website pages need to reflect the personality of your business. And it should support any other graphic materials that your company has, or is releasing to customers/consumers. Click Here for More.

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Content and Copy Writing
Internet trade sources proclaim again and again that "content is key". Not only will your target audience appreciate good text on your home page and subsequent pages, but so will Search Engines. Part of copy writing for the web is to think about what your audience wants, and include search terms that your audience might use to search for your site. The overall message should present the benefits of the client's products and services, structured to induce site visitors to take some action. MPI works closely with you to develop copy that is both informative and "search engine friendly".

Copy Writing includes:

- Development of text to support your products, services and offerings.

- Research what search terms are used by people who are looking for your
type of products and services, and incorporating those terms into the copy.

Programming involves the development of Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML), which is universally recognized by website browsers, to display your website's content. In the programming phase, the Navigation, Design and Page Layouts are converted into HTML code. MPI also uses JavaScript for specific applications and Active Server Pages (asp). And, if needed, MPI will add database capability to your site. This is especially useful when forms are to be used on the site.

During the programming process, website content is processed for optimum loading time, balanced with aesthetic considerations, such as image quality and font selections. Additional content such as Streaming media (audio and video), Flash animation, Gif animation, animated cursors, scroll bars, forms and interactive buttons are embedded into the HTML code as needed.

Once completed, the program is tested for compatibility with the popular web browsers and screen resolutions used by site visitors.

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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like fine-tuning a hand-built, custom car. Your website was customized for your specific business needs. Fine tuning your website to rank with Search Engines takes various factors into account; the key factor being: What each particular search engine looks for in a website. MPI's resources keep a pulse on what the major search engines look for.
Search Engine Optimization includes:

- Keyword research and selection.

- Keyword measurement of popularity (from previous month data).

- Reciprocal Linking to other websites.

- Analysis of each page's content for overall relevancy.

- HTML code to content ratio.

- Navigation and design considerations.

Search Engine Marketing
Driving Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) can often take more than a building a site and hoping that "they will come.." With Search Engine Optimization in place, MPI takes the process a step further with Search Engine Marketing. This aspect supports the overall marketing effort and may include:

- Market analysis and strategy

- Competitor site analysis as it relates to the client

- Development of an Internet marketing campaign

- Identification and procurement of URL's with re-directs

- Scheduled review of Key Words and Key Phrases

- Web traffic reporting with action items based on the data

- Pay per click campaign with the top search engines

Hosting Registration
All of the files and architecture of your website are sent via the Internet to a website hosting company. In essence, this is where your website "lives". MPI offers recommendations for web hosting. The recommendations are based on the specific needs of the website.
Hosting can include:

- A set amount of available space for the amount of data your website needs.

- A set amount of traffic allocated for your website i.e., so many Megabytes, or Gigabytes of data transfer per month.

- Email account(s).

- Specific options such a streaming media, server-side programming functionality, Front Page extensions, Shopping cart interfaces, etc.

- Registering website with the Hosting Company for one year, or multiple years.

- Client to supply credit card information for direct billing from Hosting Company.

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The temptation to sell products and services via the internet is compelling. Surveys suggest there are over 100 million Internet subscribers in North America alone. The rest of the world offers even more opportunities for sales of your products and services. Click Here for More.

Streaming Media
A video clip…a message via audio….a Flash animation; all contribute to retaining site visitors and can be designed to invite the site visitor to "take action". MPI creates fresh material for clients…or, we can take existing video and audio, converting it into streaming media files. We take into consideration the potential viewer/listener of these media and the most likely internet connection that they may or probably use.

Search Engine Registration
One of the best ways to increase traffic to your site is to register with search engines. People who are searching for information on the world wide web will find you if you are listed. We have the resources and the tools to get your website listed with the world's top portal sites. And, once you are listed, we have reporting software can track your visitors. This information will offer you valuable feedback from your traffic. Click Here for More.

Site Maintenance
A website needs to be maintained, with new material updating the site on a regular basis. Updating your content is important to building traffic with repeat site visitors, who can count on new information.
Maintenance includes:
- Changes to content i.e., text, photos, graphics, animation, sound, video, etc.
- Checking internal and external links
- Checking overall functionality

Traffic Reporting
In knowing where your traffic comes from and what pages they have visited and how they got there, is important information to understanding your visitors/customers. By fine-tuning your site's content will boost traffic and bring in quality site visitors. The traffic report at a minimum will show you important data that will help to optimize your site for both the site visitor and for those all important Search Engines. Click Here for More.

Web Events
In today's economy, clients look for ways to economize and communicate to employees and customers. A Web Event offers the best of both worlds; cutting edge technology and cost savings.
Webcasts, Web Conferences and Webinars are designed as more affordable alternatives to live audience events. Web Events also offer clients the opportunity to market products and service, train employees and inform the sales force. Let MPI assist you with your Web Event planning, production and execution. Click Here for More...

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Media production